
Analysis and daily maintenance of nitrogen generator system

发布时间:2022-03-10      浏览次数:2483

Pressure swing adsorptionHereinafter referred to as PSA) nitrogen generator has been widely used in all walks of life. But, How much do you know about the components of the nitrogen system Holang Tech has a complete technology in the PSA nitrogen machine system, and in-depth research on the important components and maintenance, to ensure that the nitrogen machine can be more energy-saving, more durable and more efficient in use. Below we will briefly introduce its components and maintenance details, if necessary, please contact HoLang Tech, we are happy to serve you, provide nitrogen system products or provide maintenance, to solve your problems in production.

The main configuration of the nitrogen production system is as follows:

Air compressor:

The nitrogen production device as far as possible to use an independent air source, that is, an air compressor, and can also use the existing air compressor station to provide compressed air, but must ensure that the supply of nitrogen system enough air volume and relatively constant input pressure. If the use point of the air source is more, it is necessary to control the intake pressure of the system to ensure normal and smooth operation. Ensuring a stable intake pressure is an essential condition for the normal operation of the nitrogen production system.


1)The compressor must be equipped with a hot air duct to export the hot air to the outside to avoid device faults caused by excessive temperature in the equipment room.For details about how to install the air duct, see the compressor manual.

2)The compressor must be maintained regularly, otherwise it will cause damage to the machine. For specific maintenance methods, please refer to the maintenance instructions or contact Holang Tech.

Air buffer tank

The main function is to act as a buffer for compressed air, play a stabilizing and storage role, in addition to collecting and removing most of the oil and water condensate entering the compressed air source.

NoteIt is necessary to check regularly whether the blowdown valve of the air tank can discharge normally to avoid excessive sewage accumulation in the tank and affect the purification system of the later stage.

Warning:When removing the related accessories of the storage tank, the pressure must be relieved before disassembling. (such as safety valves, pressure gauges).

Refrigerated dryer

The front end of the nitrogen production system is equipped with a cooler or frozen dryer to dry the compressed air entering the nitrogen production system, which is very critical to ensure the normal service life of the nitrogen production equipment.

Refrigerated compressed air dryer is based on the principle of refrigeration dehumidification of compressed air and refrigerant in the freezer for heat exchange, the water in the air after cooling condensation again, which contains a large number of water vapor and oil mist condensation into droplets, discharged by the automatic drainer.The compressed air after this treatment can reach the atmospheric dew point of -23 ° C (the pressure dew point can reach 1.6 ° C), and the oil content does not exceed 3ppm.


1)The refrigerated dryer should pay attention to whether the refrigeration is faulty, and regularly check whether the drainage system is normal.

2)When the equipment fails and the alarm light is on, it is necessary to stop the machine to check the cause and eliminate the fault in time, otherwise it will have a serious adverse impact on the operation of the nitrogen production equipment.


Particle Filter (Grade C)

The compressed air entering the particle filter is the raw material gas provided by the air compressor. This filter can exclude residual dust and solid particles in the air source, and can filter solid particles above 3 microns.

Fine filter (Grade T)

The fine filter is installed behind the refrigerated dryer and can filter liquid and solid particles as small as 1 micron, achieving a minimum residual oil content of only 0.5PPm.

Ultrafine filterGrade A

The ultrafine filter is mounted behind the fine filter and can filter liquid and solid particles as small as 0.01 micron, achieving a minimum residual oil content of only 0.001PPm.

Activated carbon filter:

The activated carbon filter can eliminate residual oil in the air source, ensure the service life of the carbon molecular sieve of the PSA nitrogen production, and avoid carbon molecular sieve oil poisoning in the case of accidental failure of the air compression purification system.


1)Pay attention to the use of activated carbon filter time and front and back pressure difference is normal. Please refer to the maintenance instructions for replacement time. If the filter screen is found to be damaged, it must be replaced.

Adsorber (Ⅰ)(Ⅱ)

Adsorbers are used to stack molecular sieves together to form a bed of high density and large surface area. The two screen plates of the bed are fixed to achieve high stacking density and prevent the powder of the molecular sieve, so as to ensure the efficiency of pressurized adsorption and decompression desorption of the nitrogen production device.

Buffer tank

The main function is to act as a buffer of nitrogen, which plays a stabilizing and storage role. In addition, it can also stabilize the purity of the top of the adsorber by stamping the adsorber through the return gas, so as to ensure the stability of the purity of nitrogen when the two towers are changed. Nitrogen tank with pressure gauge and condensate drain.

Oxygen outlet particle filterGrade C):

This filter is used to remove all suspended particulate matter (rust, carbon dust, etc.) from the outlet oxygen and includes a filter element and a discharge valve. However, there should be no liquid discharge in the design, if it occurs, it will be the failure or failure of the pre-processing part.

NoteThe filter element of the filterRecord is a consumablethe.Record the use time of the filter element and observe whether the drainage valve is normal. Please refer to the maintenance instructions for regular replacement, if necessary, can contact HoLang Tech.

WarningDo not replace the filter element with pressure, remove the filter shell after pressure relief, and cut off the valve from the non-maintenance part.